Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: Debate on modern technology in the classroom needs a reboot - Voteforduane.org

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: Debate on modern technology in the classroom needs a reboot - Voteforduane.org

“Incomes will remain untouched,” he said. “The only people whose pay is being cut are ministers and senior civil servants. That means incomes will be the same next year.

“You’ll have to pay €100 for your house and 2pc on a new TV or fridge but that’s it. That means people will be able to take a holiday, which they might not have been able to afford this year.”

But the minister’s remarks came on a day when it emerged:

- The jobs crisis had deepened with another 1,700 signing on the dole last month.

- The total number of unemployed rose to 448,600.

- A new rise in health insurance premiums of up to 10pc was expected next year.

- Spending on credit cards collapsed.

- One in 10 went without heating at some stage this year.

- Poverty levels hit a critical stage with one in five classified as living in deprivation.

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